PBS welcomes two new faculty members in 2018-19
Professors Katherine Nautiyal and Caroline Robertson joined the PBS faculty in July, 2018.
[more]Professors Katherine Nautiyal and Caroline Robertson joined the PBS faculty in July, 2018.
[more]Armin Tavakkoli ’20, Psychology major, has been awarded a 2019-20 Senior Fellowship for his research with Professors David Bucci and Travis Todd.
[more]Brown University Professor Rebecca Burwell delivered a talk at Dartmouth on November 16. She is pictured here with Professor Emeritus Robert Leaton.
[more]Travis Todd, a Research Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, has received a four-year K01 research grant through the National Institute of Mental Health. Professor David Bucci will head his mentoring team.
[more]PBS Professor Jay Hull and colleagues studied data from research on video games and violence, and found that teens playing violent video games “did become more aggressive over time. But the changes in behavior were not big,” reports Scientific American.