Decisions regarding transfer credit in psychology are made by the Chair of the Undergraduate Committee.
Use the checklist for requesting transfers of credit with the other required materials:
Please submit a PDF of the full syllabus for each course in Psychology being requested from the institution including the reading assignments (text & authors), evaluation methods (exams and homework), schedule of class meetings, and Professor name and title. Syllabi can generally be obtained on request from the psychology department at the school to which you are applying. This must be a PDF. References to web pages are not an acceptable substitute. No application will be considered without this information.
Appropriate completed paperwork from the registrar's office or pre-matriculation request from the first-year office.
Requests for transfer credit that do not include all the required information will not be considered. A course description from a course catalog is not sufficient, and requests that do not provide course syllabi will be denied. The required documents should be submitted to ten days prior to the deadline listed on the Registrar's webpage for the relevant academic term. The Chair of the Undergraduate Committee will then review the documents and either approve or not approve your request.
There is no guarantee that requests for transfer credit will be approved.
If you are granted approval from the Chair of the Undergraduate Committee, you may then submit your request to the Registrar's office to request official Registrar's approval for your transfer courses.