Undergraduate Research

In the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, undergraduates have the opportunity to directly contribute to new discoveries in brain science by engaging in research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Indeed, many faculty in the department are conducting state of the art research and there are several mechanisms available to involve undergraduate researchers including volunteer and paid work, carrying out research for independent study credit, or engaging in a seniors honors thesis. Funding support is available through a wide range of grants and research programs sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, and the department provides funding through the fellowships and prizes described below. To get started, explore the faculty profiles to learn about their research programs, and then contact faculty members to find out how you can get involved.

Fellowship and Prize Application Deadlines

PBS Department fellowship and prize application deadlines are as follows:

  • March 1 for spring term research
  • April 23 for summer term research
  • July 24 for fall term research 
  • October 16 for winter term research

Undergraduate Research Fellowships

The Lincoln Filene Undergraduate Fellowship in Human Relations

This fellowship pays a stipend of $5,000 to support a declared psychology or neuroscience major during an off-term (three months) of engagement in full-time research. The Fellowship may be used during any leave term available to the recipient of the award. However, it would seem most suitable that the award be made to a student during a term that could serve as a foundation for Honors Research. Most often this would be in the spring or summer preceding one's senior year.

The award will be made as a result of an application process. If you wish to apply, you should submit a proposal describing the research area in which you are interested. In this statement:

  1. Indicate the origin of your interest in this area
  2. Describe how the research opportunity would fit into the structure of your undergraduate major
  3. Indicate any post-graduate plans you might have and how the term of research could facilitate these
  4. Letter of support from project mentor (Dartmouth faculty member).

In addition to supplying this statement, you must identify a faculty sponsor who is willing to collaborate in developing the research plan and serve as adviser for your research. The faculty sponsor should submit a letter in support of your application. Applications and all supporting material should be submitted in one package to Moore Hall, Room 104 or via email to psychological.and.brain.sciences@dartmouth.edu. The applications will be evaluated by the faculty members on the Undergraduate Committee and the Chair of the department.

Preference will be given to research on topics related to human relations, broadly defined.

Recipients of this award must provide a one page report at the end of the term with a brief description of their project or activity, and a summary of how the prize funds were used.

The Benjamin J Benner '69 Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Benjamin G. Benner 1969 Undergraduate Research Fellowship pays a stipend to support a  declared psychology or neuroscience major during an off-term (three months) of engagement in full-time research.  The Fellowship may be used during any leave term available to the recipient of the award.  However, it would seem most suitable that the award be made to a student during a term that could serve as a foundation for Honors Research. Most often this would be in the spring or summer preceding one's senior year.  

The awards will be made as a result of an application process. To apply, submit a two-page proposal describing the following:

  1. The area of research and the activity in which you will be engaged during your off term
  2. The origin of your interest in this area
  3. How the research opportunity fits into the structure of your undergraduate major
  4. Any post-graduate plans you might have and how the term of research could facilitate these
  5. Letter of support from project mentor (Dartmouth faculty member).

In addition to this proposal, provide a budget outlining your anticipated expenses for the term as well as any expenses related to the research (e.g. travel to a conference to present research, publication expenses, etc.).  A typical fellowship will be between $3,500-5,000 for the term.  More than one award may be made each cycle based on the submitted applications and available funding.

Applications and all supporting material should be submitted in one package to Elizabeth Ritter, Moore Hall, Room 104 or via email to psychological.and.brain.sciences@dartmouth.edu. The applications will be evaluated by the faculty members on the Undergraduate Committee and the Chair of the department.

Recipients of this award must provide a one page report at the end of the term with a brief description of their project or activity, and a summary of how the prize funds were used.


  • Although you must apply for one or the other of these awards, both awards have been used to support research in various areas, and the department will fund the most meritorious proposals.

Undergraduate Research Prizes

The Jack Baird Prize

The Jack Baird Prize is intended to support undergraduate research projects or internships in psychology, travel to present research findings at a national conference, or other activities within this spirit. This Prize is open to declared majors in psychology or neuroscience. Applications and nominations for the Prize will be considered by the chair of the department and chair of the Undergraduate Committee.  The financial value of the prize(s) will be determined by the chair of the department and the chair of the Undergraduate Committee, based on student need and available funds, and will not exceed $1,000 in any given year. 

To apply:

Please submit the following materials via email to psychological.and.brain.sciences@dartmouth.edu:

  1. A proposal describing the project or activity for which you are requesting funding.  The proposal should include how this activity fits into your undergraduate study.
  2. A budget which supports the amount of funding you are requesting.  This budget should not exceed $1,000.
  3. If your proposal includes the involvement of a faculty member (Dartmouth or external), a letter of support from that individual.

Recipients of this award must provide a one page report at the end of the term with a brief description of their project or activity, and a summary of how the prize funds were used.


The annual amount awarded is not to exceed $1,000. Depending on applications and available funding, the prize may not be awarded every term.

About the Jack Baird Prize

In honor of John C. (Jack) Baird, several former students, colleagues, and friends have contributed to the establishment of this prize for an undergraduate psychology student who has demonstrated commitment to the study of psychology and brain science.  Jack Baird received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth in 1960 and his PhD from Princeton in 1964.  He returned to Dartmouth as a faculty member in 1967 and enjoyed a long and productive career.  For those who are interested in pursuing the award, the generous group of donors funding this prize have provided a bit of background about Jack and his long and productive career at Dartmouth.