Independent Research


Independent Psychology Research

The course is offered every term and is designed to enable specifically qualified students, usually seniors, to engage in independent laboratory or field research under the direction of a faculty member.  Students may take up to three terms of Independent Research. However, no more than two terms of 88, 89, or a combination of 88s and 89s may count toward the eight required courses for the major. Normally a student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 both overall and in the major to enroll.  This course may NOT be used to satisfy the 60- or above requirement of the major.

Prerequisites: PSYC 1 or PSYC 6, and PSYC 10, and PSYC 11. Non-majors may request exemption from normal prerequisites and other requirements of PSYC 88.

To request permission for PSYC 88, complete the appropriate checklist below:


Honors Psychology Research

This course is offered every term and is designed to enable especially qualified students, usually seniors, to engage in independent laboratory or field research under the direction of a faculty member. Students may take two terms of Honors Research, and no more than two terms of 88, 89, or a combination of 88s and 89s may count toward the eight required courses for the major. This course may be used to fulfill the upper-level (60 or above) major requirement. A student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.30 in the major and 3.0 overall to enroll and must enroll before the end of the Fall term of their Senior year.  Consult the Psychology Honors page for further information, including the required checklist for enrolling in PSYC 89.


Senior Thesis in Psychology

This course is offered every term and is designed to enable Psychology majors, usually seniors, to engage in independent laboratory or field research, under the direction of a faculty member, resulting in a culminating senior thesis. Students take two terms of Thesis Research, and no more than two terms of 88, 89, 92, or a combination of 88s, 89s, and 92s may count toward the eight required courses for the major. This course may be used to fulfill the upper-level (60 or above) major requirement.  Although students must register for two terms of Psychology Thesis Research (PSYC 92.01 and PSYC 92.02), thesis research coursework may extend over three terms.  Students do not register for a third term. Consult the Psychology Thesis page for further information, including the required checklist for enrolling in PSYC 92. Students must declare their intent to pursue Thesis Research before the end of the second week of the Fall term of their Senior year.


Neuroscience Research

This course is offered every term and is designed to enable Neuroscience majors early in their course of study to engage in independent laboratory research under the direction of a neuroscience faculty member.  Students are required to write a final report that describes the goal of the project, their research, and what they learned from their experience.  This course may count in the neuroscience major as an elective numbered above 20, but cannot fulfill the requirement for electives numbered above 40.  It cannot be used towards the culminating experience.  Students may take up to three terms of independent/honors research (PSYC 70, PSYC 90, PSYC 91, PSYC 93) but only two terms may be counted for credit towards the major.  More advanced students who have taken at least two core neuroscience courses should enroll in PSYC 90.

Prerequisites: PSYC 6

To request permission for PSYC 70, complete the ​​PSYC 70 permission checklist​​.


Independent Neuroscience Research

This course is offered every term and is designed to enable Neuroscience majors to engage in independent laboratory research under the direction of a neuroscience faculty member.  Students are required to write a final report of their research.  Students may take up to three terms of independent/honors research, but only two terms may be counted for credit towards the major.  If two terms are taken, one may count towards the culminating experience and the second may count as an elective numbered above 20, but cannot be used to fulfill the requirement for electives numbered above 40.

Prerequisite: PSYC 6, PSYC 10, two of the four core courses required for the major, and instructor permission.

To request permission for PSYC 90, complete the ​​PSYC 90 permission checklist​​.


Honors Neuroscience Research

This course is offered every term and is designed to enable especially qualified Neuroscience majors, usually seniors, to engage in independent laboratory research under the direction of a neuroscience faculty member. Students must take two terms of PSYC 91. A student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.30 in the major and 3.00 overall to enroll and must enroll by the Fall term of the senior year.  Consult the Neuroscience Honors page for further information, including the required checklist for enrolling in PSYC 91.


Senior Thesis in Neuroscience

This course will be offered every term and is designed to enable Neuroscience majors, usually seniors, to engage in independent laboratory or field research, under the direction of a faculty member, resulting in a culminating senior thesis. Students take two terms of Thesis Research, and no more than two terms of 70, 90, 91, 93 or a combination of 70s, 90s, 91s, and 93s may count toward the eight required courses for the major. This course may be used to fulfill the upper-level major requirement.  Although students must register for two terms of Neuroscience Thesis Research (PSYC 93.01 and PSYC 93.02), thesis research coursework may extend over three terms.  Students do not register for a third term. Consult the Neuroscience Thesis page for further information, including the required checklist for enrolling in PSYC 93. Students must declare their intent to pursue Thesis Research before the end of the second week of the Fall term of their Senior year.